Package-level declarations
Enumerates barcode formats known to this package. Please keep alphabetized.
Encapsulates a type of hint that a caller may pass to a barcode reader to help it more quickly or accurately decode it. It is up to implementations to decide what, if anything, to do with the information that is supplied.
These are a set of hints that you may pass to Writers to specify their behavior.
The purpose of this class hierarchy is to abstract different bitmap implementations across platforms into a standard interface for requesting greyscale luminance values. The interface only provides immutable methods; therefore crop and rotation create copies. This is to ensure that one Reader does not modify the original luminance source and leave it in an unknown state for other Readers in the chain.
Implementations of this interface can decode an image of a barcode in some format into the String it encodes. For example, com.jeluchu.jchucomponents.utils.zxing.qrcode.QRCodeReader can decode a QR code. The decoder may optionally receive hints from the caller which may help it decode more quickly or accurately.
Callback which is invoked when a possible result point (significant point in the barcode image such as a corner) is found.